[4 Dec 2023]
This grant provides a one-off financial support to young hand surgeons in Hong Kong who intend to participate in the 66th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Surgery of the Hand (to be held on 25-26 April 2024 in Tokyo, Japan) and the JSSH Week Programme. It aims at promoting fraternity and mutual exchange of knowledge, skill and experience between the two sister Hand Societies. Details of the scholarship are as follows:
- 66th Annual Meeting of JSSH: https://naraseikei.com/67jssh/eng/overview
- Eligibility: HKSSH Life Member or paid-up HKSSH full member, preferably a young surgeon (<40 years old) in active practice of hand surgery and/or microsurgery as applicable to orthopaedic practice.
- Number of grant: 1
- Amount: Maximum of HKD 15,000 for sponsorship of one return economy class air-ticket, local transport and hotel accommodation fee upon completion of the following:
- Complete the trip in person.
- Present a scientific paper relevant to hand surgery or microsurgery applicable to orthopaedic practice during the JSSH Annual Meeting.
- Provide certified documentation of the trip (air ticket receipt, hotel accommodation receipt, attendance certificate of the meeting) together with a written report to HKSSH Secretary within one month upon return from the trip.
- The written report will be published in the Newsletter of the Society. The applicant is required to present an oral report at the next HKSSH Annual Congress.
- Formal notification letter of acceptance will be sent to the successful applicant.
- Deadline for application: 31 December 2023, 17:00.
To apply for this scholarship, please complete the attached application form and send it to the HKSSH Secretariat on or before the deadline at hksshsecretariat@gmail.com together with a brief curriculum vitae and an electronic copy (JPEG form) of your recent photo. |